About Us

We’ve been covering the world of Pokémon and been building our small but dedicated community of creative Pokémon fans since 2003, making us one of the longest running Pokémon fan sites on the Internet.

In March 2007 we launched the very first version of the Trainer Card Maker and the rest, as they say, is history. In those 15 years literally millionsof Trainer Cards have been made with our system in its ever-evolving form.

In 2022, after years of on/off development work, we finally relaunched our entire website, moving away from our old Xenforo forums-based solution that powered everything previously to a modern, modular set up that allows us to constantly develop and grow every aspect of the site going forward. This also meant the biggest update to the Trainer Card maker since we launched in 2007, with a brand new ‘Modern’ style of card being added alongside our long-standing legacy assets.

As we approach our official 20th Birthday in 2023 we’re focusing on expanding and growing into the best version of Pokécharms we’ve ever been. As well as continuing to develop our news & guides content, the Trainer Card Maker and our forums community we’ll have even more new features to come so watch this space.