New Pokémon animated short re-introduces cube-shaped designs from Pokémon Quest
A new Pokémon animated short has been released on the Pokémon Kids YouTube Channel: “Cube-Shaped Pokémon on Cubie Island?!” The first instalment of the series, titled “A Chance Encounter”, re-introduces the blocky designs of Pokémon from the 2018 Switch and mobile game, Pokémon Quest.
In “A Chance Encounter”, Pikachu – in its cube-shaped form – is washed ashore on Cubie Island and is feeling confused and alone until it meets a new friend, Psyduck.
While the original Pokémon Quest may have been forgotten by the rest of the world, a new version of the game was released in China in 2021, featuring many more Pokémon than the original’s first generation. This version of the game has frequently been updated with new features and content, though to this day, none of it has been made available outside of China.
The distinctive cube-like designs of Pokémon Quest have been featured in some merchandise released primarily in Japan, but this animated series is among the first official reappearances of these designs in the West since Quest’s release.
Further episodes will be released on the Pokémon Kids channel, which often features new videos and animations aimed at younger fans, including nursery rhymes and other songs.